Business Development

  • Small Businesses: Rags to Riches with Federal Contracts
    This article assumes that you are new to the federal market, do not have federal relationships, and do not have an experienced federal sales and proposal writing staff. The federal market is huge ($ 500 billion), includes every service known to man,... read more
  • Danger, Will Robinson
    Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts generally run for terms from 3 to 10 years although recent research done at FedBizOpps indicates that 5 and 10 year periods of performance are becoming much more common. For the most... read more
  • Realities of Government Contracting
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  • Sell It Then Worry About Capturing It
    "Capture Planning" in the federal market usually involves opportunity identification, plan how to "capture" the opportunity, and write the proposal in response to the solicitation. Specific responsibilities of a capture planner usually... read more
  • Federal Sales Plan Development Guide
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  • Mysterious Federal Contracting Process in a Nutshell
    The federal purchasing process often does not reflect what is really going on concerning the amount of competition for a bidding opportunity because of the need to show the public the perception of competition for taxpayer contracting dollars; why?... read more
  • Top Down Market Indicators
    Federal market statistics are notoriously confusing, incomplete, and difficult to find and analyze. GSA schedules are the biggest and widest multiple award contracts. GSA schedule sales are reasonably accurate; around $ 40 billion annually for all... read more
  • Boost Your Revenue with Federal Contracts
    The Washington DC media focuses on the flat federal market and has little to say about the up sides of the market. The market is still over $ 500 billion annually and that's because the huge bureaucracy (thousands of facilities and millions of people)... read more
  • New to the Federal Marketplace: Start Small and Grow from Within
    Newcomers should use any means they can to land a small deal to get their hooks into the market. That could include cold-calling (ugh), pitching to anyone you know in the federal government or anyone who likes you and knows someone in the government,... read more
  • The 50 Shades of Gray of Government Contracting
    50 shades of gray exist in all walks of life, including government contracts. Newcomers to the federal market are often perplexed when they cannot get clear-cut answers to the following questions. Some of the questions may have answers but the... read more
  • Companies with Multiple Awards Contracts Increase Their Chances of Being Acquired
    Previous newsletters and our seminars stress the increasing predominance of multiple award contracts (MACs) in government contracting. GSA Schedules are the biggest of the MACs and the 41 or so Schedule contracts are continuously open for bid.... read more
  • IDIQ Contracts: A Hunting License for the Federal Market
    Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts are becoming the preferred way that federal buyers make purchases. In order to compete in either the federal product or service sectors, your firm must have an IDIQ. As the use of IDIQs... read more
  • Know the Customer
    There's an age-old axiom followed by federal contracting experts:  If you don't know the customer, don't bid on the job.  It's so simplistic, yet so true. Experienced contractors know and follow this basic premise and inexperienced... read more
  • The IDIQ Smorgasbord
    Let's look at a typical IDIQ scenario: A large IDIQ contract opportunity (sometimes worth several billion dollars) is posted at FedBizOpps. After the evaluation of proposals, a number of "pricing only" awards are announced to between three to one... read more
  • Sources Sought Announcements Are Requesting GSA Schedule Information
    As one would expect, Fedmarket constantly monitors federal bid announcements including those pertaining to sources sought or requests for information.  It has become increasingly clear that contracting officials are more frequently looking for... read more
  • Recent Trends Discovered While Surfing FedBizOpps
    In contrast to how things were handled in the past, recent publicly-announced bids found at FedBizOpps are either specifically stating that GSA schedule pricing is "preferred" or that only GSA Schedule holders will be considered. ... read more
  • Strange but Real IDIQ Purchases
    The following are Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) solicitations for items that might not be normally considered items that would be bought through an IDIQ contract: IDIQ for Quantitative Analysis and Scientific Evaluation of Hawaiian... read more
  • IDIQ Contracts: Purchasing Vehicle of Choice for Facility Contracts
    Just like the federal IT sector, which has been rich with contracting opportunities for interested vendors, Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts have been prevalent for facility-related contracts for the last few years. Unlike the IT... read more
  • Small Businesses and Current Trends in Federal Contracting
    The current political environment in both Congress and the Executive Branch appears to be pro small business, at least through the fall election. We base this conclusion on the following factors:  New small business initiatives in the GSA... read more
  • Everyone Comes in First in an IDIQ Award
    Most IDIQ contacts have from 3 to 10 awardees; some of the information technology super IDIQs can have as many as 70 or 80. GSA Schedules have thousands of contract holders.  All finish first when IDIQ contract award... read more
  • Narrowing the IDIQ Field
    Why not try to win many IDIQs? Well, winning an IDIQ is not only expensive but, more importantly; with too many you are in danger of losing focus. And focused sales efforts are critical to keep sales costs within reason. Equally important, you do not... read more
  • The IDIQ Market
    The federal market is always changing and IDIQs are no exception. Major shifts in the market include: using of large umbrella contracts (IDIQs) to purchase goods and services that could be competed individually(this is known as bundling) justifying... read more
  • Learning the Lingo: Vehicle
    A contracting vehicle or just vehicle as its known in the DC corridors of power is not something you ride in. It's a method of awarding a contract within the federal purchasing rules. The term has almost become synonymous with IDIQ contract, but not... read more
  • Selling Before the Public Bid
    Most public bids have been pre-sold by vendors to varying degrees and often several pre-sellers will be the only companies that really have a chance of winning. Experienced contractors also know that bidding opportunities for a reoccurring contract are... read more
  • Acronym: IDIQ Contract
    Companies new to the federal market often find the alphabet soup of acronyms like IDIQ to be madly confusing. As defined by Wikipedia and shortened here: IDIQ is a contracting acronym meaning Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity. An IDIQ is a type... read more
  • Comparing Bidding Strategies for IDIQs and Public Bids
    Our experts have preached for years on end that companies should be exceptionally cautious about bidding on single award, public bids. The reasons for caution are: One or more companies have most likely pre-sold most public bids The... read more
  • Selling Using an IDIQ
    Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts vary from agency to agency and there are a number of different types.  From a perspective of trying to develop a federal sales strategy, IDIQs are natural focusing... read more
  • More on Selecting the Best IDIQ
    With thousand of IDIQs out there, developing a sales strategy can be a tangled mess. However, it may not be as challenging as you might have originally thought.  Those that have been already awarded are not an option for you unless... read more
  • Which Flavors of IDIQs Should Our Company Seek?
    The federal government doesn't actually know the number of active IDIQs but rough estimates are that the number exceeds 2,000 and is increasing at an annual rate of approximately 30%. There are a large number of different IDIQs and chasing... read more
  • IDIQs Keep Getting Bigger as More are Issued
    Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity contracts (IDIQs) are funded when individual task orders are issued for competition among the companies that have received awards. Task orders are getting bigger and bigger and will soon reach the magic one... read more
  • Squeezing the Procurement Sponge: IDIQ Contracts Limit Competition within the Rules
    This in the first in a series of six (6) newsletters about federal Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts and their growing importance in the federal market. As we speak, federal buyers are processing their procurement dollars... read more
  • Multi Vendor Contracts: Becoming the Rule
    In previous newsletters, we described how multi-vendor contracts (IDIQ contracts) are becoming the rule rather than the exception in federal contracting. Federal purchasing officials are now using IDIQ contracts to procure virtually... read more
  • Only One Way to WOSB Certification
    The SBA's stated goal when announcing the new Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) program was to expeditiously implement the policies, procedures and regulations necessary to ensure that federal contract dollars would immediately start... read more
  • Current Bid Opportunities: All Federal Agencies
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  • Where is the Needle in the Haystack of Federal Contract Opportunities?
    The first step to winning federal business is to invest in an aggressive, direct federal sales program. Notice the word "direct." Resellers can sell some of your products but services have to be sold by you. Many companies that make... read more
  • The Benefits of an IDIQ Contract
    Recent installments have discussed the federal government's unending march to award federal contract through Indefinite Duration Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contacts. What Are They: In the simplest terms, they are multi-year contracts that are... read more
  • The Trend Towards Multiple Award Contracting Escalates
    The multiple award contract is becoming a way of life in the federal government. Many large, federal multiple award contracts have been awarded this year; several of them carrying ceilings of more than $1 billion. And that is only the tip of... read more
  • Selling in the Federal Marketplace
    Up until the actual close of a sale, selling in the federal market is essentially the same as selling in the commercial market. You have to find out who buys what you sell, knock on their door, be prepared for rejection if you are unknown to the... read more
  • Contracting with Federal Civilian Agencies is Easier Than Defense Agencies
    The Washington press announced recently that thousands of defense jobs may be eliminated, including those related to large defense contracts. This is clearly very bad news for defense contractors. In contrast, civilian agency contracting will... read more
  • Federal Buyers Squirreling Away Dollars
    Are Federal Buyers Squirreling Away Budget Dollars for the August/September Spending Spree? No one knows really but probably yes. Why: Human nature: No one wants to turn back budget dollars because they won't get them back. The "squirreling... read more
  • Looking at the Federal Market Through a Crystal Ball
    What is happening to the federal market? Our crystal ball is no better than anyone else's but here's our take. The budget crunch will have a negative impact. The Administration's focus on increasing the federal workforce and insourcing would... read more
  • Rebuttal: Are Small Business Advocates Helpful?
    In a previous newsletter, we questioned the usefulness of federal small business advocates.  We received the following response from a reader which illustrates why companies must perform aggressive, direct federal sales in-house.... read more
  • Would You Issue Public Bids If You Were a Federal Buyer?
    Absolutely not, if you could avoid it! Why: Public bids are inordinately expensive and the amount of time it takes to acquire the good or service in question is ridiculously long.  They consume impractical amounts of staff time, assuming staff... read more
  • What is Happening in Federal Contracting?
    The news: The Obama administration is, as part of its initiative regarding federal contracting, pursuing an agenda of (i) increasing competition for federal contracts, (ii) promoting openness of competition, and (iii) eliminating fraud and... read more
  • PSC Codes
    What Are PSC Codes? Good question.PSC stands for Product Service Codes. These are legacy codes that are used in certain government procurement databases to classify products and services.Public Law 93-400 requires the Administrator for Federal... read more
  • The Next Two Years in Federal Contracting
    The Next Two Years in Federal Contracting: Some Uncertainties and Business as Usual The next two years in federal contracting will be uncertain in the information technology and defense system sectors and business as usual in others. The buildings... read more
  • Sell Then Tackle the Red Tape: Part 2
    In the previous newsletter, we recommended that you postpone tackling the red tape until after after you have made a sale with a federal buyer. Once an actual sale occurs, you will no option but to address the red... read more
  • Sell Then Tackle the Red Tape: Part 1
    Companies new to the federal market frequently find that they have encountered a new culture with its own foreign language and requirements (such as red tape, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), contract boiler plate and countless... read more
  • Federal Procurement is Getting Messier by the Day
    The federal procurement system is going south fast. Contracting offices are understaffed and experienced contracting officers are defecting to the private sector. The foregoing situation has brought an already slow process to... read more
  • Federal Market Myths
    Two myths about the federal market persist in the commercial sector. They are as follows: Just go to the federal market and pick the low-hanging fruit; and  The fruit is ripe and you can pick it quickly. The federal market is exceptionally... read more