Ease the Pain of Proposal Writing Season

Get out from under your proposal.

Fedmarket's proposal writing template puts you in control of the entire process, and in control of your proposal writing team. The interface assists you in delegating sections of the proposal to co-writers, and helps your team pull together a coordinated effort without hassle.

Most companies inexperienced in federal proposal writing overdo their proposal resulting in higher proposal writing costs and lower evaluation scores.  Federal proposal evaluators make their jobs easier by telling you precisely what they want to read in Sections L & M, nothing more, nothing less; no executive puffery, fancy graphics, marketing PDFs. etc. 

Fedmarket's Proposal Writing Template tells you how to translate Sections L & M into a combined Compliance Matrix/Proposal Writing Schedule by writer, and provides you with the templates and model text to written to win and save you hours in billable proposal writing fees.

Less is better for both evaluators and your company's proposal costs.
The proposal writing template is priced at $490. Purchase online for immediate download, click here. Or call (301) 960-5817 for more information, or to order by telephone.

Read more about Fedmarket's Proposal Writing Template. The template has been updated and now includes a technical approach writing tool based on task logic tables. The tool assists technical writers in sharing ideas in a collaborative manner with the objective of maximizing technical evaluation scores.

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