Buyer Contact Data for 4th Quarter Spending

Are you ready for the government's 4th quarter spending spree?  Find buyers with money to spend, purchase our Federal Official Buyers List.

It's important to know official buyers, not just for the obvious reasons of making a purchase - but also for their insights. 

  • Buyers have a broad understanding of what the agency buys.
  • Buyers make the buying decisions for commodities, non-technical products, and routine services.
  • Buyers can tell you who the end-users are for complex product and services.
  • Though they may not USE them, they can certainly influence the decision on which technical or complex products to buy.
  • Buyers are the source for awards data, including who has provided what product/service in the past, the pricing and other contract details.
  • Buyers have knowledge of the agency's planned future procurements.

Contact data includes:

  • Over 23,000 buyers from federal civilian agencies
  • Over 23,000 buyers from the Department of Defense
  • Over 40,000 email addresses and telephone numbers

The buyers on our list are responsible for larger purchases in the $25,000 and up range. These list represent 114 different federal agencies. The buyers are responsible for the public bid postings on the government mandated public bid board "Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)."

Our list is delivered in Microsoft Excel format for easily import to your sales database.
>>Buy now

Call Steve or Jon today for more information, 888 661 4094, Ext.2.

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