Companies Do Not Need Federal Experience to Be Awarded a GSA Contract

GSA schedules were authorized by Congress specifically to bring commercial companies into the federal market; especially small businesses. Obtaining a GSA schedule contract is relatively easy because a company can submit a proposal to obtain a GSA schedule award at any time. (Opportunities to submit proposals for other Multiple Award Contracts (MACs) close after a set period of 45 - 60 days).

GSA schedule proposals are solicited on (the federal government's public bid opportunity web site). Any company may submit a proposal presenting the companies capabilities and pricing in response to the public solicitation.

GSA schedules are particularly friendly to small businesses with no or limited federal experience; why?

  • Companies do not need federal experience to be awarded a GSA Schedule Contract; commercial experience is acceptable.
  • And equally important, most MACs for services require that company experience be submitted as summaries of complete contracts exceeding a specific size; often large contracts only are acceptable, even for small businesses. GSA schedules accept contract experience of any size.

Call 888-661-4094, Ext. 2, to learn more about how a GSA schedule can help you win government contracts.

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